Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


The White Tiger (2020)

Balram is smart enough to go onto higher education, but his grandmother isn't having it. In order to keep him in his place, she pulls him out of school and into the workforce. Once he grows into manhood, he goes for the best job he can think of: driver to someone in the high caste. He lands a sweet gig with a young Americanized couple and quickly makes himself indispensable (or so he thinks).

The biggest problem with this movie is that there is literally no one to care about here. The family for whom Balram works is horrible. They are thoughtlessly cruel at the best of times, and consciously cruel at others. Balram himself is conniving and grossly obsequious. I simply couldn't wait to be free of this terrible collection of humanity.


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