To Kill a Tiger (2023)
A 13-year-old girl from a small village in India is gang raped after a wedding celebration. Rather than settle it quietly with a quick marriage (which would be the usual course of action), her father stands by her and fights to punish those responsible. Though the story is inspirational, it was also shocking to hear the people of the village victim-blame and have more concern for the boys who just made one "mistake" than the girl who suffered at their hands and continued to suffer the emotional abuse of the entire village.
Frustrating story of backward thinking and incompetent authorities and even documentarians who, by their very presence, impact the story. Though it's an inspirational reminder that big change starts with the bravery of a few, this is told without much finesse and I found myself leaning toward annoyance rather than being moved by the story itself.
Labels: 2023, Cplus, Documentary, Drama, Oscar Nominee
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