Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Kansas City, MO, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are US release (Oscar eligibility).


Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

If I'd seen this movie 12 years ago, I could see giving it a B+ or so for charming originality.  But since I saw and loved the Royal Tenenbaums, I can't help but yawn at how derivative this is -- especially the character of Suzy (aka mini-Margot).  Suzy's depressed and arty, just like Margot.  She's got a hurt hand, reminiscent of Margot's missing fingertip.  She has a romantic encounter in a tent.  She cakes on the eye makeup.

Wes Anderson is talented, but he needs to get himself a new schtick.  With him, it's the same thing over and over again -- it doesn't matter if the characters are winning or the story is sweet.  The mannered delivery and the stagey direction just makes me feel like I'm looking at the same thing from a different angle.  He's like Monet and his waterlilies...only movies are closer to books than paintings.  Variations on a theme just feels lazy in this medium.


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