Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


Night Must Fall (1937)

Old Mrs. Bramson is set to give Danny, her maid's boyfriend, a talking-to about marrying the girl since he's already sampled the goods... but instead winds up being charmed into hiring him as a live-in companion. Soon after, a missing woman is found murdered, which puts the entire household at unease. Olivia, Mrs. Bramson's niece who sees right through Danny, is equal parts horrified and titillated by the possibility that Danny is the culprit.

This is a really weird little movie. It's not exactly scary, nor is it played for laughs. The thrill that runs through Olivia when talking to Danny feels almost sexual in nature and I bought it. She's clearly bored with her life and her romantic option and an adventure -- even a sordid one -- is welcome in her life. Like Olivia, I was happy to be caught off-guard by what I was seeing.


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