Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


The Leisure Seeker (2018)

An elderly couple take off on a road trip in their titular ancient Winnebago. Their grown kids are worried because she is suffering from advanced cancer and he from some form of senility -- perhaps Alzheimer's. He was a professor of literature and always wanted to visit the Hemingway House in Key West, so that's where they're headed.

It's a really good story of one woman's fight to retain control of her own destiny, even as family and disease want to remove her choices. It's also a stark look at the frustrations of the love of your life being right in front of you but seeming to be nowhere near due to the cruelty of the aging mind.

Surprisingly, it's not a downer.


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