Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


A Quiet Place Part II (2020)

We begin with a flashback to the day the creatures arrived in their town, after which the story picks up almost immediately following the events of the first film. The Abbott family -- with a recent infant addition and patriarch subtraction -- decide to leave their farm to find others. Once they do so, they split up: some to find the source of a broadcast, one back to town to get supplies, and the infant and another stay put. Of course things go poorly.

All of the tension felt forced: especially when the climaxes for dual locations occurred in back-and-forth scenes. I was pretty bored with the poor decision-making and with how long people took to carry out the obvious tasks. It was all geared toward "big moments" rather than natural reactions.


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