Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


Last Christmas (2019)

Recently-ill woman (Emilia Clarke) has had a complete shift in personality since her recovery. She used to be an engaging, dependable employee, friend, and family member but has chucked that for hard-partying, one-night stands, ghosting her family, and shitting on her friends' patience. She meets a ridiculously lovely and generous fella who makes her want to be a better person. She opens up to him and we finally -- halfway through the movie -- find out she underwent a heart transplant. I get why they had to keep this a secret because, the minute I had that piece of information, I knew I was watching a fantasy.

It's weirdly joyless for a story that's supposed to be redemptive and full of holiday cheer. Everything "comical" said/done by Clarke, Emma Thompson (as her mother), or Michelle Yeoh (as her employer) dies without fanfare on the screen. Not only should the story charm us with ease, it's also got a soundtrack chock-full of George Michael going for it. But, somehow, it just didn't work.


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