Critical MeMe

Time spent watching films, even crappy ones, is time well-spent.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
    Post dates are when I watched, parenthetical dates are the year of US release (aka Oscar eligibility).


A Slight Case of Murder (1938)

When prohibition is repealed, Remy Marco and his gang of bootleggers decide to go legit. This is easier said than done when his "acceptable when illegal" product can't measure up to other offerings on the market. Soon he's facing foreclosure while simultaneously dealing with a trouble-making orphan, meeting his future in-laws, and figuring out what to do with a quartet of bodies in his summer house.

This is just so much fun. It's obvious they just crammed a bunch of stuff into one script, but it really works. I truly enjoyed Mrs. Marco's attempts to rein-in her bawdy language as well as the Marco gang's baked-in distrust of all law enforcement and their hilarious ideas of what to do with the inconvenient corpses.


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